Page 96 - Q02-2021_Fins-Magazine
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What the SHELL
is a pod?
WORDS: MERMAID BEKAH ©2021 by Mermaid Bekah
So, you have a tail!
Professional pods offer the
Now what the fluke do you do?!? opportunity to get gigs, do
underwater modeling or
You have made the commitment perform at various locations.
to become a mermaid and spent These pods typically require
Poseidon knows how much on a specialized training as well as
tail, but now what? Or maybe you years of experience and carrying
haven’t made the commitment performer insurance.
but are hoping for guidance on
what to do. Specialty pods, like pods created
by the tail makers, can be found
Now is the time to find a pod! that better suit your interests.
Pods are everywhere, worldwide! These pods may include tail and
They offer you a like-minded accessory sales/trades, crafting
community in which to build groups, body positivity, mental
lifelong friendships. Pods also health, environmental education,
provide guidance to find tails, merfolk with disabilities and so
accessories and education much more! In addition, these
and training opportunities. pods can network you with
Frequently, the easiest way to amazing merfolk worldwide who
start is to join the pod associated have the same interests as you!
with your tail maker if you have `
already purchased one! Most Hobbyist pods are always a
tail makers have their very own splash! These are a group of
pod! Once in the pod, you can merfolk who want to have fun
start to network or search for with their merfriends! They will they want to do. Working with a
other merfolk in your area! Soon have pod swims and other fun local campground, they create
Fins Magazine will be offering a activities that everyone can events to incorporate every level
comprehensive list of Pods! participate in! of mermaid from professional
merfolk diving and executing
Another way to find merfolk in Lastly, we have a pod that is tricks in a pool: specially trained
your area is to search Facebook! a mix of everything, like the merfolk to entertain children
Go to groups and search your Pennsylvania Mermaid Pod. with special needs, and even
state and “mermaid pod.” You This unique pod ranges from landmaids, also known as
can also try to search your beginner up to professional. Pods merwranglers, who pose for
region, county or tri-state area to like the Pennsylvania Mermaid photos, answer questions for
find others. Searching Instagram Pod offer unique opportunities “chaos control” and generally
can be a bit more challenging, and education. Whatever your help to keep things functioning
but you can search hashtags like merfolk goal is, a pod-like this smoothly. Each pod member
#[insert state here]mermaidpod can help get you there! The can participate in the event
or #[insert state abbreviation Pennsylvania Mermaid Pod and learn what it is like to be in
here]mermaidpod. has co-hosted a Faerie Festival a professional entertainment
with a local fire company and setting.
There are various types of been hired as entertainment
mermaid pods from professional, at events like Comic Cons, Hard Now you know about pods. So
specialty, hobbyist and even Hat Diver’s Rally, community get out there and see what you
pods that combine everyone! events and fundraisers. They can find! Make some lifelong
Some pods may require offer basic-advanced mermaid friends, have some adventures,
specialized training, while others training, model training and so and make some magical
will offer to help new merfolk much more! Their most unique memories!
learn and grow. Be sure when event is an event training
joining a pod that you are aware opportunity for those who
of their requirements to make want to become professional
your experience better. merfolk but aren’t sure what
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