Page 20 - The Brain Health Guide
P. 20
If you take the steps to care for your physical self by eating
the right foods, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep,
the critical factor remaining is love. This encompasses not only
your feelings about the living beings around you, but the great
things you can do in your life, like being persistent, curious,
having a sense of humor and caring about what you do.
Having love in your life is in and of itself a source of energy,
and helps provide reason, purpose and direction. Generating,
building and maintaining social connections are not only of
immense help mentally, but possessing these traits bring physical
support as well. Having these attitudes percolating from within
not only brightens your outlook, but they also strengthen overall
Not all of us are lucky enough to be equipped with the full array
of genetic longevity, excellent physical and mental health, and
a lot of love in our lives, but we can still make the most of what
we do have. Maximizing the efforts over that in which you have
control gives you the best shot of coming out on top. Then
when you face life head-on, you’ll be making the most of its
positives and dealing firmly with its challenges.
It is important to recognize that you can play an active role
in the health of your brain. Scientists have demonstrated that
connections between brain cells are constantly changing. A lack
of attention to brain activities will cause disconnections, while
active care of the brain will promote greater mental acuity.
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