Page 25 - The Brain Health Guide
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        better sleep with these easy, no-nonsense ideas for better sleep.

        •      Upgrade your mattress. Your mattress may be
               triggering allergies that are wreaking havoc with your
               sleep. If your mattress is more than seven years old, it
               may be time to replace it. Dust mites hiding deep in                                          CHAPTER 5
               mattresses are common sources of asthma and allergies.
                                                                                                            say 'no' To sTress
        •      Cool down. Turn the thermostat down to the mid-60s
               when you go to bed. Studies have shown that a cool
               bedroom helps induce sleep.
                                                                                                         "growing old is mandaTory;
        •      Wear socks. Now that your bedroom is cooler, put on                                 growing up is opTional."  — Chili davis
               a pair of socks. The American Journal of  Physiology
               suggests wearing socks to bed to promote better sleep.
               Our feet are often colder than the rest of the body
               so wearing socks helps blood vessels in our feet stay
               dilated resulting in better sleep.

        •      Scratch the screen time. Calm the brain before going
               to bed. Avoid reading, writing and checking email on
               your electronic devices before bedtime and don’t watch
               TV right before you close your eyes.

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