Page 29 - The Brain Health Guide
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is this something you enjoy or is it just something you
think you’re supposed to do?
• Problem solve with people around you. Ask them to
help you alleviate stress.
• Eat nutritious food. Decrease the amount of fat and CHAPTER 6
sugar you eat. The easiest way to make sure you don't enjoy The journey To beTTer brain healTh
overeat is to have a solid plan for dealing with stress
before you go to family gatherings or parties. Nutritional
stress can drain your energy.
"everyone is The age of Their hearT."
• Maintain a regular exercise program. Exercise helps on — guaTemalan proverb
many levels. It releases the buildup of glucose in the
muscles and relaxes them, and increases endorphins,
the feel-good chemicals that increase good overall sleep.
• Rest. Try to get eight hours of sleep a night. A good
night’s sleep rejuvenates the mind as well as the body.
• Play board games or card games with friends. You’ll
enjoy the benefits of improved brain health as well as
social interaction, which is all important to healthy
• Write down your worries. Journaling what worries you
may help pinpoint the real core of a problem so you
can work on it more objectively.
Take time out for you. Engage in activities that make you feel
energized and rejuvenated. That may be as simple as taking a
quiet walk, practicing yoga or learning a new hobby.
The important thing is to find things to do that give you pleasure
instead of sitting around worrying. You can manage stress by
averting your attention to new lifestyle choices. This will help
you live a better life while coping with life’s pitfalls.
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