Page 9 - The Brain Health Guide
P. 9
f we’re honest with ourselves when we self-assess our overall
Ihealth, the brain is not usually considered. The parts of
the body giving us the most feedback get the most attention.
Because of our improved longevity, this is a major oversight, as
the brain controls everything the body does. We all know the
brain controls cognitive areas like memory, thinking and focus.
When these functions are strongly supported, the implications
on our lives are tremendous.
Julian Allan, lead researcher and health psychologist, concluded
“A person with less-efficient executive function is less likely to
resist temptation and stick with what they had planned on any
given day, than someone with excellent executive function.”
Executive function will be discussed later in the book, but suffice
to say a properly supported brain in areas of good nutrition,
lifestyle and supplementation will lead to a healthier and more
productive life.
The next several pages will give you valuable nutrition tips to
improve not only your executive function, but the overall health
of your brain.
Tip #1 - EaT ThE RighT Kind of faT
Research suggests that a healthy diet can help keep your major
organs functioning at a high level. A diet consisting of the
right blend of proteins and complex carbohydrates has proven
to be the most beneficial. The brain and nervous system are
comprised of 60 percent fat, so ensure your diet is rich in
omega-3 essential fatty acids, which can be found in cold-water
4 ChapTer 2