Page 11 - Healthy Brain Living Book
P. 11

helping to keep your body in good working order.

                     If you want to feel better, knock back at least eight glasses of

                     water a day. You can’t live without it, so drink up!

                     Tip #3 - EaT youR vEgETablEs

                     Fairly new research has found that  you should eat  vegetables

                     such as broccoli, cabbage, turnips, cauliflower and kale because

                     they contain a certain phytochemical that cannot be found in


                     Although earlier research published by the Pauling Institute at

                     Oregon State University (and supported by the National Institutes

                     of Health)  postulated  that  compounds  found in cruciferous

                     vegetables like the ones mentioned above could just as easily be

                     obtained by supplements, the truth is that this is not possible.

                     Everyone needs certain whole foods, which should be cooked

                     only lightly. Although some nutrients, such as folic acid, can be

                     better absorbed by taking a supplement, the compounds that

                     give  vegetables  their  health  value  must be  obtained  from the

                     vegetables themselves.

                     A certain enzyme must be present for people to benefit from

                     the maximum nutrient value of vegetables; it cannot be found

                     in supplements. Without these enzymes, the absorption rate of

                     the nutrients is about five to eight times less. Overcooking is also

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