Page 70 - FINAL_Guildhall Media Highlights 2019-2020 Coverage Book
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Millennium Place since 2013, while Lightbenches by Bernd Spiecker for

               LBO (Germany) has been encouraging passers-by to take the weight off

               their feet since 2015. Installed following Lumiere 2017, Heron by Jon Voss
               (France) continues to capture a fleeting moment in time – the unfolding

               wings of one of Britain’s most iconic birds.

               Helen Marriage, director of Artichoke, said: “This year’s 10th anniversary

               edition offers the chance to relive some of the wonderful memories of
               previous festivals, sprinkled as always with an element of surprise. We

               hope visitors from across the county and beyond join us as we take to the

               cobbled streets of Durham for four nights of wintry magic.”

               Cllr Simon Henig, Leader of Durham County Council, commented: “Over

               the decade in which it has run, Lumiere has provided a treasure chest of
               memories for hundreds of thousands of local residents and visitors. It is a

               world class event which has huge social and economic benefits for County

               Durham and the North East. This year’s programme is truly awe-inspiring

               and will once again showcase our county as a place of light, where heritage
               is cherished and innovation is embraced and encouraged.”

               Professor Janet Stewart, executive dean (Arts and Humanities) at Durham

               University, added: “Lumiere is an inspiring event; it’s innovative, exciting

               and something that many, many people look forward to greatly. As

               Durham’s University, we’re proud to have been involved with Lumiere from
               the beginning and very pleased to be a major partner for Lumiere Durham

               2019: sponsoring the festival, hosting new and returning installations and

               supporting across cultural engagement, volunteering and logistics.”
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