Page 35 - RPS Awards 2024 Coverage Book
P. 35

Commenting on the shortlist, James Murphy, Chief Executive of the the Royal
               Harmonic Society said: "‘The Royal Philharmonic Society Awards tell a truly
               national story about classical musicians fortifying and enlivening communities
               across the UK.

               "It’s only fitting that the Awards event itself should venture beyond the capital.
               Choosing our first ever destination outside of London, Manchester was the
               obvious choice.

               "As all Mancunians know, Greater Manchester is a cultural powerhouse and
               music pulses vibrantly through the city’s veins. Mancunian musicians have been
               celebrated by the RPS Awards since they began.

               "Just last year, the brilliant Manchester Collective won the RPS Ensemble Award
               and Manchester Camerata won the RPS Storytelling Award for a wonderful film
               illuminating their work with people living with dementia. This year, you can see
               Manchester’s continued dedication to music in the nominations for local
               LGBTQ+ choir The Sunday Boys, the vibrant Olympias Music Foundation, and the
               Manchester Classical festival which united many of the city’s musicians.

               "Unlike some awards shows, the RPS Awards aren’t just for the glitterati: with
               tickets from only £10 and a free interval drink for everyone, we invite Greater
               Manchester’s music-lovers to join us for all the festivities and a chance to rub
               shoulders with the stars. Here’s yet another example of classical music leading
               the way: might our example inspire the BAFTAs and the BRITS to follow suit and
               bring their own celebrations to Manchester in years to come?"
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