Page 4 - RISE JANUARY 2024
P. 4

Marcus Brook

                                                                     The Naturals

                                         Once upon a time in the town of Ardasth, where everything
                            seemed a bit dark and sad, there lived a little boy named Marcus Brook. Mar-
                      cus was only six years old.

             One day, as Marcus was playing with his toys in his room, something unusual caught his
         eye. There was a strange, glowing light in the sky. It was as if a little piece of magic had de-
         cided to visit the usually dull town of Ardasth. The glow was so magical, he ran outside, his

         sister Leah, and his best friend Max following behind. All the kids also went out.
                Their parents tried to stop them, worried about
         what was happening, but the kids were too excited. The

         mysterious glow led them to a spectacle they had never
         seen before – a dark ship in the sky, casting shadows
         over the already dim town. The ground shook, and fear
         spread among the children and parents.

         I      n the midst of this confusion, Marcus found him-
         self under a falling wall, covered in gooey mud. It was
         a scary moment, but just when things seemed tough, a
         friendly and colorful creature named Miraz appeared.
         Miraz, with his vibrant colors, was the complete oppo-
         site of the colorless Ardasth.

                Miraz explained that they were no longer in Ar-

         dasth but in a magical place called Terrasia. The kids
         were chosen to be special – called "Naturals" – and
         were given powers to make the world a better place. Marcus could hardly believe it, but he
         was now someone with magical abilities.

                He asked the Naturals if they felt strange or weird – Marcus did, with pain in his right

         Miraz explained that Marcus's hand had broken off during the trip to Terrasia, not his fault but
         an accident. He urged the Naturals to leave as there was someone who wanted to meet them.
         The Naturals followed Miraz to a place where they met a new friend, Emily Rodger.

                Emily, a cheerful girl, offered to show them around Terrasia. The Naturals agreed, and
         Emily became their guide in this magical land. It turned out that Terrasia was the opposite of
         Ardasth – bright, colorful, and filled with happiness.

                During their exploration, they encountered a small Miraz again, who explained that he
         was the opposite of the evil Terror. Marcus, Leah, and Max were curious about their powers
         and the bright light that brought them here. Miraz, in his rainbow-colored form, mentioned
         that he had chosen them to become Naturals, kids with special powers. But Miraz also
         told                                                                                               3
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