Page 7 - RISE JANUARY 2024
P. 7

War is a destructor.

         Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a kingdom named Poland that was very rich. The
         people were happy, and everything seemed perfect. However, the peace was soon shattered as the

         kingdom was plunged into an all-out war.
         The king of the neighboring kingdom of Nazipur had been desiring the wealth and resources of the

         peaceful kingdom for a long time. He saw an opportunity to strike and defeated his army off guard.
         The battle was fierce, and both sides suffered heavy damage. The once beautiful landscape was now
                                                            scarred with the horrors of war, blood, and organs.

                                                            Families were torn apart, and children became fa-
                                                            therless and motherless as the war raged on. The
                                                            sounds of explosions and gunfire became a usual
                                                            background music, and the air was thick enough
                                                            that you can smell death around every corner. The
                                                            once vibrant markets were now empty, and the
                                                            fields that were once filled with crops were now

                                                            barren wastelands with bodies of water turned to
                                                            blood. The king of the ex-peaceful kingdom soon
                                                            realized that retaliation was not the answer. He
         saw the destruction that it had caused and knew that it would only lead to more suffering. He decid-
         ed to send a message to the enemy king, requesting a ceasefire.

         At first, the enemy king was skeptical. He had invested too much in the war and didn't want to give
         up so easily. However, when he saw the destruction that his army had caused, he felt a flashback of
         when he was a kid and there was war in his country his father King Thanda Paani the I was killed

         mercilessly. He agreed to the ceasefire, and the war finally came to an end. The people of the
         shattered kingdom were overjoyed. They could finally begin to rebuild their homes and communi-
         ties. The scars of the war would never truly go away, but they could at least start to heal.

         The king of the peaceful kingdom knew that he had to take steps to prevent another war from hap-
         pening. He began to invest in trade and gifts with the enemy country, and soon, the neighboring

         kingdoms became friends instead of enemies. The people of the once war-torn kingdom learned a
         valuable lesson. They realized that war was not the answer. It only led to destruction, suffering and
         more war. They decided to work towards peace and prosperity, and soon, their kingdom was once

         again a happy and thriving place. In the end, the people of the kingdom realized that war was and is
         a destructor. It destroyed everything that was good and beautiful in the world. They vowed to never
         let it happen again, and they lived happily ever after. If yesterday’s enemy can become today’s
         friend, then yesterday’s war can also become today’s peace.

                                      Abdullah Qazi  8G
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