Page 17 - The First Letter To My Lady.
P. 17


                              J A N U A R Y   2 0 2 1

                              20/20 vision in hindsight.

                              As the year wound down into nothingness – I ponder upon

                              the origins of this fixation. I wrack those annals of history for

                              silhouetted  details.  To  cherish  a  foundation  built  of  stars  &

                              flora. All on Memorex.

                              As I remember it – it was a story that begins, like any other,

                              at  the  stroke  of  twilight.  I  don’t  have  an  answer  to  why  it

                              began, but boy, the when & the how of that beginning, was

                              serendipitous gold - to say the least.

                              Something  straight  out  of  a  Meet  Cute  playbook,  it  was  an

                              encoded chirping that struck off a frequency only two people

                              in that vicinity could’ve clashed with – and two people it did.

                              The  encrypted  chirruping  of  a  certain  Ms.  Chapman,  Ms.

                              Wright  &  Ms.  Mackenzie.  A  fictionalized  account  of  an

                              educational tale that wasn’t too out of place in a classic Quora

                              posting,  with  the  author-in-question  penning  together  a

                              vivid story. What set it apart however was an uncanny je ne

                              sais  quoi  of  weaving  three  characters  so  inconspicuously

                              within the composition – Bronte would’ve blushed.
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