Page 14 - The First Letter To My Lady.
P. 14
D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0
Winter, came spring.
The day came and went. 25th was far from kind to me – it
was a doozy of despondent despair dooming into a dearth of
depressive dejections. Lurching in forlorn anguish – but
worst of all – the culminating axis of anxious agonies. The
long-running anxiety disorders all flourishing at the turn of
the morrow, and the tail-end of 25th’s solitary dusk.
“It's okay, it’s okay, it’s okay; but repetitive. Uncertainty, we
chase ghosts, indifferent.” I ponder on how (& why) you
weigh on my mind so heavy. You’re a supernova warping
time & space all ‘round you. A cloud bursting across valleys
of a river basin. A tidal wave hurtling across Miller’s planet.
“I was never lonely – until you came along”. I never knew
two people could be weaved as much from the same fabric. I
didn’t know someone could be that inspiring. Could be as
much a beacon of spirited bloom. Someone who could stare
down the barrel of her own sacrifice – and walk through
unfettered. Someone who could fight her own ghosts – and
deal with others’ too. A titanium monolith of a steely soul