Page 11 - The First Letter To My Lady.
P. 11


                              For now, though, I think I just might pen a verse of my own,

                              as  only  art  could  counterbalance  art;  your  presence  being

                              ever  so  gallery-esque,  a  virtuosity  to  thaw  mountains  of

                              vapidities.  A  few  verses  to  weave  a  path  down  the  beachy

                              aisles of nostalgia - akin to the sandy shores of your dream


                              Elusive everglade en earnest, earnestly esotericist elegiac eighteenth.

                              Stormy waits, hazey fates, dire straits & gilded traits.

                              Saga of a ladylike disposition - celestially innate - steely resolution.

                              Walked the plank you did, tripwires and eggshells, resolute.

                              In the white of your eye a determination, astute.

                              Warrior repute in the face of pontification afoot.

                              The path of kings, queens, lords & ladies.

                              The holy grail of academic hades.

                              Bequeath ‘pon you hereditary - trail of tears, epistemic.

                              Battlefront of modern measures rallied with copacetic verve.

                              Bearing the cross à la Coeur de Leon

                              Hunkered down from taxi lights, city brights, life’s little delights.

                              Stalwart valor - shall I call her Lady Eve, Galahad, or Godiva?

                              All I know for sure, diva Miss Eva,

                              She’s poised to perfection; life-giving as convention Geneva.

                              Hurt I carry is not for naught,

                              A tiny drip next to your Ocean of tenacity astound.

                              So to complain. I won’t, patience abound.

                              Bound by the minute, the seconds - millis and nanos.

                              Mirage ephemeral of a rendezvous transcendental

                              Promised colloquy, damned obloquy - stoic and fetal.
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