Page 7 - The First Letter To My Lady.
P. 7
agree? (Okay sorry, that was the last rhyme, I yield!) You see
now, where we struck gold, was like you said, the
Conversations. The understanding of every reference off the
face of the Earth. I think I fell in too deep, profession the
unmatched admiration I had never imagined, and maybe
that’s what capsized us on both ends, pushed us to the brink
of where we teetered off to.
I heard you, your last text, I heard it loud & clear, I heard it,
and I respect it. We can always hold on for that better future,
that right moment, that sweet-spot. But It’ll only be grossly
unfair, and utterly atrocious to go ‘Radio-silent’ in the time-
being, we can have our own camaraderie.
Through letters if that’s your appeal, and with that I
conclude, my towline of hoping, I reel.
Let’s discover what the future reveals, should we call it a day
& make it a done deal?
Just remember, throughout your tenacious past, you really
ARE surreal.
Esq. November 2019