Page 10 - The First Letter To My Lady.
P. 10
plotting pathways out to surviving the coming year – I
wonder. I wonder what could possibly be worthy of this
coming 25th. What exactly could I say? Perhaps through a
brief inquisition of letters, I could put together a retelling of
your ongoing saga that’s wishfully half as good as your
magniloquence. Perhaps I could write.
Write about you. The boundless tale of the celestial
constellation of a lady.
I know for a fact how steely-cum-literary you are. And how
vociferous you are with your refined defenses of all things
debatable. How chiseled your view of the world – and love
for the arts – is. Layer upon layer of wisened silver coatings
on a soul that glows gold & gilded. If there were no limits
and constraints placed on the formation of a human being;
the resultant creation would be you. A fine-crafted lady of
compelling caricatures. A perfectionism of the human form
– and then some. A martyr upon the flames of academic
integrity, shepherding a steely resolve that’s one for the
storybooks; that’s one for folksy lyricism.
But as I stare down the barrel of a sabbatical gun - I can’t
possibly complain. It’s a painful wait, sure – it’s gushing
sharpness, sure – to be trapped in another dimension, far
from reaching out. But I couldn’t possibly fret when I have
front-row tickets to the saga of the century. The off-
Broadway preview night of a stageplay set in spectacle. The
trailer of greatness to be. A prowess no exam - no entrance -
could have the gall to certify. An intrinsic fervor of ferrous
tenacity. Powered persistence.
And it’s never about the exam results per se – but the face
behind that AIR – the face upon that admit card, that
beamed incandescent wave-after-wave of luminary carats
emitting conducive sparks of unyielding erudition.
Exemplary edges of an adroit creature. Edges that glowed
shades of splendorous wit. Grandiloquence unbounded.