Page 24 - The First Letter To My Lady.
P. 24


                              their pixelated rgba. The screen gods were the overlords, the

                              under-channel  cables  of  Sir  Internet  ruled  single-handedly

                              the fates of humanity’s social onus.

                              Man’s always been a social animal, as it went. Braving destiny

                              and  crafting  invigorating  tales  of  faith,  but  now  -  “Why

                              bother with letters when a text gets there in a second!?” The

                              age  of  Victorian  charisma  was  now  antique  -  not  even

                              vintage - just antique, apocryphal almost.

                              “What  of  the  people  who  liked  the  long  way  home  then?”

                              The beauty of the long & winding road. At least you & I got

                              plenty  of  that.  Seemingly  ages  apart  -  yet  barely  a  10  km

                              radius  in  actuality.  Could  the  silver  linings  of  our  plight

                              really work out?

                                         “Impossible, 21st century’s a constant feedback loop.”

                              Worse  yet,  was  society’s  blurry  pace.  The  scurrying  sashays

                              of lonely little kitsch. People were hollowed out with cracks

                              beneath  their  surface,  cracks  perforated  by  social  media

                              behemoths,  crack  that  we  then  plugged  down  with  endless

                              doom-scrolls  of  filtered  displays.  Unbeknownst  to  us  -

                              Narcissus would’ve blushed.

                                                                            As if that wasn’t enough.

                              Everybody  had  skeletons  in  their  closet,  trauma  brushed

                              under  their  carpet,  insecurities  lurking  in  their  bedroom.  It

                              was never going to be the easiest thing to face up to, but now,

                              tougher  yet  was  the  escape.  From  the  siren-songs  of  digital

                              media’s illusions. We were a flawed species from the off - not

                              our  fault  but  simply  an  evolutionary  design  -  but  now?  We

                              were more exposed than ever.

                              It  was  impossible  to  wade  through  the  cesspool  of  digital

                              media. I myself was bogged down - no longer impervious.
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