Page 27 - The First Letter To My Lady.
P. 27


                              A P R I L   2 0 2 1

                              Lucky me, I tangoed with heaven this month.

                              A  dejectedly  depressing  happenstance  indeed  to  set  it  in

                              motion, however; the passing of a personal hero – your hero.

                              I can probably imagine just how much she would’ve meant

                              for  you.  My  gran  sure  was  my  Sun  &  my  galactic  center.

                              Most instrumentally she formed the central crux of not only

                              my worldview – but my very mannerisms.

                              I remember how I used to sit by the verandah and talk hours

                              about History and all things worldly with her until her eyes

                              drooped  over  and  fell  into  siestas.  There’s  that  book  –

                              Malgudi schooldays by R.K. Narayan – it’s actually the very

                              first  novel  I  ever  read  in  my  life.  And  it  tells  the  tell  of  a

                              similar grandson that stood upon the pulpit of discourse with

                              his gran through his schooldays.

                               As I wonder more and more about the bond you shared – it

                              mellows  me  further  to  imagine  what  that  loss  would  mean.

                              As  you  said  she  was  grief-stricken  for  a  couple  years  now

                              ailing in the passing of her dear son, a plight deserved by no

                              human walking this Earth. A plight not worth the villain-iest

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