Page 30 - The First Letter To My Lady.
P. 30
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Pages turned; years turned too. Patience yearned at the cusp
of agony spurned.
The clock on the mantelpiece chimed the hour. “Bzzzzzz”, it
went, like clockwork signifying the homecoming of another
dawn, another day. Blurry all the same, mornings were an
atrium to another parroting echolalia. Another trip around
life’s carousels & their horses, forever spinning round in a
routine rigmarole. It was the age of non-social socialization.
It was the age of stratospheric numbers, the age of masked
“I get my love in a digital package.”
There was a lot to be said about you, to you. But how? What
words would, could, mean anything other than another
‘Bzzzzzz’? Long-winded poetry had come before, but how
many times the same medium? Frankly, I feel torn apart at
the seams - drowned in the defeating recursiveness of the
wait & the writing of these letters only to keep to myself.
You’ve become my diary now.