Page 33 - The First Letter To My Lady.
P. 33
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I’m ailing. I’m ailing with the inanity of the digital world. It’s
enough to make Gandhi nuclear.
With social interaction all up for auction upon the pulpit of
digital landscapes – it’s a tripwire-d hellscape to ascertain
bubbling personas from their snaking underskins. And my
hands are far from bloodless.
I don’t feel myself lately. I’m in a disconnect with literature –
a torrid divorce. Ornate words – in all their beauty – can just
be manufactured tools at their best, and concealed weapons
at their worst. Ornate words can be laced with bombast.
Bombast that’s just a grenade laced with hubris & coaxed
With this divorced sabbatical with words – what I should
offer is the truth. I remember that time you conjured up a
little game of yours. One of “trading insecurities”, one where
we dove into our fears & our apprehensions. What better
way to know someone after all, yeah? That was the best -
you’re a pioneer - a soothsayer indeed.