Page 40 - The First Letter To My Lady.
P. 40


                              A U G U S T   2 0 2 1

                              “If only I were a professional author.”

                              I  would  spend  all  my  wordy  trade  to  your  service,  weaving

                              fiction  that  echoed  thematic  bonds  pronouncing  your

                              striking  demeanor,  with  impeccable  articulation.  Letters

                              that‘d chiseled our soul. But by misfortune, or by mendacity,

                              I’m far from it, far from that soul-searching expression, far

                              from  that  refined  authoring.  Rather  just  a  self-important

                              quicksand of verbose narratives. Just magniloquent swindles

                              of a posturing façade. A blathering bombast.

                              Minuscule chapters were all I could muster. And even doing

                              them,  I  stuttered  more  often  than  I  could  digest.  Stop-

                              gapped  with  writer’s  block  more  often  than  I  could

                              unabashedly bear to.

                               “It rained the whole day, the 20th.” Talking about it chokes

                              me.  The  serendipity  of  that  weatherly  happenstance.  Being

                              stranded in the muck & the mire, wadding along.

                              I would write more, but I’m overcome with…
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