Page 44 - The First Letter To My Lady.
P. 44


                              Smashing all entrenched glass ceilings of STEM, flagbearing.

                              I was so shrivelled and wrought with anticipation about the

                              results  as  they  trudged  along  in  a  giant  mammoth  delay

                              courtesy  of  the  NTA.  Checking  &  rechecking  the  NTA  site

                              just about a hundred times a day wondering when it’ll show

                              up  as  the  news  bulletins  reported  every  morning  the

                              expectancy  of  results  by  the  end  of  that  day  -  only  for

                              tomorrows  to  endlessly  loop  onwards.  Finally  it  came,  and

                              finally  there’s  the  testament  to  your  irreprochable

                              magnificence. Some killer Queen you are!

                               I could probably just about burst out in some Archimedes-

                              esque  Eureka  fashion.  Near  impossibility  to  contain.

                              Apologies for my utter lack of prose in this month's letter -

                              but I’M ABSOLUTELY STOKED!!!! WOHOOOO!

                              Carry  on  that  genius  devotion  yeah,  you’re  a  firecracker

                              about  to  light  Diwali  up!  So  much  joy,  thank  you  for  this

                              early birthday gift - I couldn’t dream of anything better for


                              Although,  to  be  honest  I  was  harboring  a  slight

                              schadenfreude-esque  fantasy  of  perhaps  catching  you  right

                              after the Mains result. But that’s alright, be it 5.31pm on the

                              3rd of that birthday month!

                              Could I BE any prouder!?

                              You’re the best. Est est est est est est. Eva.



                              Esq. September 2021
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