Page 227 - January 2022 Issue
P. 227

funds for distribution  of the  general  provision
               items to poor families of Ghatsila.
            •  Hindustan Copper Limited under CSR initiative
               distributed Face masks, Hand Sanitizers, Soaps
               and  Towels  (Gamchas  made  by  SHGs  under
               CSR Livelihood Programmes), to the Frontline
               Corona  Warriors,  viz.  Police  Personnel,
               Security  Guards,  Sanitation  Workers  etc.  as  a
               precautionary and preventive measure to break
               the chain of Corona Virus Infection and there by
               stopping the spread of COVID-19.                 Beds with the requisite facilities were provisioned in
            •  Migrants returning from the Shramik Special      these hospitals.
               trains at Tatanagar Railway Station, Jamshedpur
               were provided with food packets and water in     Mapping  of HCL  Hospitals  with  the  COVID
               collaboration with District Administration.      Dedicated Hospitals
                                                                HCL  Hospitals  were  mapped  with  the  nearby
                                                                COVID dedicated hospitals.


                                                                An Ambulance has been earmarked at the
                                                                respective hospitals to shift the COVID-19 patient
                                                                to the nearest COVID Dedicated Hospitals.

                                                                Training of Doctors and Paramedical Staff
                                                                Training  programmes  were  organized  for  Doctors,
                                                                Nursing & Paramedical staff at HCL Hospitals through
                                                                Audio-visual means and practical demonstrations.
                                                                The training material like videos and pdf files were
                                                                downloaded from DIKSHA platform on COVID 19
            Medical support to address health crisis            pandemic through iGOT Site. The topics covered were
                                                                basics of COVID-19, ‘clinical management, Infection
            The medical facilities at the three mining Units    prevention and control, Infection prevention through
            at  Indian  Copper  Complex  (ICC  District-Purvi   PPE,  Laboratory  sample  collection  and  testing  and
            Singhbhum  (Jharkhand),  Malanjkhand  Copper        Quarantine & Isolation.
            Project (MCP), District-Balaghat (Madhya Pradesh)
            and  Khetri  Copper  Complex  (KCC),  District-     Preventive Measures (for the Organisation
                                                                and Employees)
            Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan) arranged are detailed below:
                                                                Thermal Scanners
            COVID CARE CENTERS at HCL Hospitals                 Thermal Scanners are being used to screen people
            Facilities were provisioned in HCL Hospitals to turn   for  COVID-19,  at  the  entry  of  Offices  /  hospital
            them into COVID CARE CENTERS (CCC) Type 1,          premises.
            so that they can offer care for cases that have been
            clinically assigned  as  mild  or  very mild  cases  or   Hand sanitizers and masks
            covid suspect cases. ‘Isolation Wards with 26 Transit   Hand sanitizers were provided at prominent places

            200   Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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