Page 240 - January 2022 Issue
P. 240
Ircon International
S.K. Chaudhary
rcon International Limited [IRCON], a diversified EPC major under the
administrative control of Ministry of Railways is a Schedule –‘A’ and a
IMiniratna - I company.
IRCON was incorporated on 28th April 1976 under the name Indian Railway
Construction Company Limited mainly for the purpose of design and
engineering, procurement of equipments, project management and commission
of Railway Projects in India and abroad on commercially prudent lines. Since
then company has established itself as a global infrastructure developer.
The core competence of IRCON is in Railways, Highways & Extra High
Tension sub-station engineering and Construction. The Company has
executed projects in the areas of Railway construction including ballastless
track, electrification, tunnelling, signal & telecommunication as well as leasing
of locos, construction of roads, highways, commercial, industrial & residential
buildings and complexes, airport runway and hangars, metro and mass rapid
Ircon International transit system, etc.
Ltd is an organization,
IRCON has so far completed about 385 major infrastructure projects of national
where Human Resource
importance in India and 128 projects across the globe in more than 24 countries.
are its primary
assets, thus, timely IRCON has been ranked amongst the Top 500 Indian Companies in Fortune
and prompt action India 500 companies. IRCON has also been recognised and ranked amongst
was taken to prevent the Top 50 most profitable PSUs in India, the top 10 best performing PSUs on
its spread. The task the basis of cash.
force was constituted Employees Strength
at Head Quarter
• Permanent– 1123
and at Projects for
• Contractual – 246
coordination and • Deputation – 31
monitoring of safety • Service Contract – 22
protocols. • Tenure - 4
Ircon International Limited 213