Page 241 - January 2022 Issue
P. 241
Fighting the
Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund
Ircon International Limited (IRCON) has provided
a financial assistance of Rs. 20.5 Crore to Prime
Minister CARES Fund for fighting COVID-19.
IRCON employees have donated their one day’s
salary amounting to Rs 51 lakh.
Payment to Contractual Workers during
Lockdown Period
The salary during lockdown period has been paid
to all contractual employees. Full wages paid to the
labours during Lockdown period and the due amount
was transferred to the families in their native villages.
Social Support to needy by providing food &
We have taken several initiatives to cater to the needs
of people who are worst-affected by coronavirus
and the subsequent lockdown. Our employees have
come forward and provided food packets to migrant
labourers, dry food items were distributed to
workers and labours and arrangements were made
to provide lunch and dinner to labour at various
project sites.
Medical support to address health crisis
We have tied up with nearest hospitals at our project
sites for providing immediate help to labour in case
of any emergency. We have also provided first aid
kits to labour at worksites.
Preventive Measures (for the Organisation
and Employees)
The task force was constituted at Head Quarter and
at projects for coordination and monitoring of safety
Standard Operating Procedure was formulated to
be followed at Corporate, Project & Sub Offices and
214 Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19