Page 246 - January 2022 Issue
P. 246

Indian Renewable Energy

            Development Agency


                                                                                              Pradip Kumar Das
                                                                                                CMD, IREDA

                                                        ndian  Renewable  Energy  Development  Agency  Ltd.
                                                        (IREDA), was incorporated as a Government Company, and
                                                     Iregistered  under  the  Companies  Act  1956  on  11th  March,
                                                     1987. IREDA is under the administrative control of Ministry of
                                                     New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) and is the only institution
                                                     dedicated  for  financing  Renewable  Energy  (RE)  &  Energy
                                                     Efficiency (EE) projects in India. The company is registered with
                                                     RBI as Non-deposit taking systemically important Non-Banking
                                                     Finance Company (NBFC). Since, its inception the company has
                                                     played a catalytic role in developing market for financing RE &
                                                     EE projects by showcasing the success of financing in RE sector.
            In line with directives of the           The activities undertaken by IREDA are akin to the activities of
            Ministry of New & Renewable              a Green Bank. Since inception, the company is profit-making &
            Energy, DoPT and DPE issued              regularly paying dividend(s) to the Government of India (GoI).
            from time to time and to                 IREDA has been awarded the “Mini-Ratna Category- I” status by
                                                     the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) in June, 2015.
            avoid crowding in offices,
            a significant percentage of              IREDA has over the years sanctioned loans to projects in RE & EE
            IREDA employees have been                sector aggregating to Rs. 85,600 Crore, disbursed Rs. 54,289 Crore
            working from home through                up to 31st March 2020, the loan book provision of IREDA as on
            e-office, depending upon their           31st March 2020 is Rs. 23,732 Crore and as such supported more
            job profiles or necessities.             than 16,000 MW of RE capacity. Since 2014, IREDA’s operations
            Besides online movement of               both in terms of  sanctions  &  disbursements  have  grown at a
                                                     Compounded  Annual  Growth  Rate  (CAGR)  of  23%  &  27.4%,
            files through e-office, Board            respectively.
            and review meetings are also
            taking place through Video               Employees Strength
            Conferencing.                            •  Permanent (on roll): 159

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