Page 250 - January 2022 Issue
P. 250
IREL (India) Limited
Deependra Singh
REL (India) Limited is a Mini Ratna, Category-1 CPSE under
the administrative control of Department of Atomic Energy
I(DAE) established on the 3rd year of Independent India with the
mandate of producing Rare Earths and other strategic compounds for
the National security. Gradually to ensure raw material security for
its strategic operations, IREL entered into the business of harnessing
Atomic Mineral (commonly known as beach sand mineral) deposits.
IREL is now a Multi-Location-Multi Product Company with operations
in the coastal areas of Chatrapur in Odisha; Manavalakurichi in Tamil
Nadu and Chavara & Aluva in Kerala.
The Company took a
With profile spanning more than 35 products and continuous research
calibrated approach to
to develop new ones in the value chain, IREL is also actively pursuing
inhibit spread of the
other deposits locally and globally to widen its footprints.
pandemic around its
operating units. The local Atomic Minerals find use in horde of niche sectors such as aerospace,
self-help groups and pigment, plastics, ceramics, refractory oil & gas etc while Rare
women welfare society of Earths are performance enhancing material having number of niche
the Housing Colony were applications such as consumer gadgets, electronics, renewable
activated to stitch masks energy, defence, space, pollution control, petroleum refining, etc. The
strategic compounds find direct use in the Nuclear Power Generation
which were distributed not
Programme, Space and Defence Sectors.
only in the surrounding
villages, but also in areas Employees Strength
where IREL does not have • Permanent (on roll): 1187
its footprint. • Contractual: 1650
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