Page 252 - January 2022 Issue
P. 252
offices of district administration like Offices of
Collector, Superintendent of Police, Additional
District Magistrate, Tehsildar, Police Stations, etc
were also sanitized by IREL. Besides, sanitization
was also carried out in nearby Industries, financial
institutions, etc which could resume their operations
Towards the above, specialized atomizers were
developed in-house to make the sanitization
activities effective. Further, many foot operated
dispensers were also fabricated in house and
installed at many locations to avoid use of hands.
lifts stairways etc., adequate sanitizing facilities at
The Quality Control wing of IREL sprang into action several locations, cleaning floors and office premises
to develop hand sanitizers as per norms stipulated at regular predetermined intervals, etc. Temperature
by WHO, at a time when the same were not available measurement of employees reporting to work,
across the counters. These sanitizers in large providing sanitizers at appropriate locations are
quantities were distributed around the surrounding followed at all times. Concurrent action was taken
villages amongst the local inhabitants. up towards establishing channel for interaction
between employees across the organization and also
Preventive Measures (for the Organisation customers.
and Employees)
Since the onset of COVID-19 pandemic and IREL was quick to gaze that the COVID-19 virus has
post declaration of Nationwide lockdown, the emanated to stay for some time and the operations
top management of IREL ensured meticulous have to be resumed at an appropriate time, however,
implementation of the various directives issued towards the safety of its employees the various
by Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT), stipulations issued by the Government need to be
New Delhi, Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), New continued in the days to come. Accordingly, the
Delhi, Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) besides practices as mentioned were institutionalized as
the directives issued by the local State and District practices to be followed in the new normal.
Administration issued by the local authorities where
IREL’s units are in operation. Operations of the Mineral producing Units were
resumed from the 1 week of April 2020 after ens-
Immediately, Corporate/Unit level task force uring all guidelines issued by the Government
for COVID were constituted with focus on the from time to time in this regard. Towards the
protection of its employees and workforce from the above, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for
exposure to the Pandemic for which rosters were “Disinfection and Prevention of COVID-19 at work
prepared to ensure minimal manpower for essential places”, “Mining Operations in COVID Situation”,
services as stipulated by the Government and “Resumption of operations after lockdown” were
strict implementation of staggered timings, social prepared and implemented by taking inputs from
distancing, use of PPEs, etc. Other measures taken WHO, ILO and statutory agencies like DGMS,
by the Company include increased cleaning of the RPAD-BARC, CPCB, KSPCB etc and the same were
common areas like door, handles, washbasins, taps, monitored on a regular basis by the top management.
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