Page 254 - January 2022 Issue
P. 254
India Tourism
Corporation Limited
G. Kamala Vardhana Rao, IAS
et up on 1st October, 1966, a premier Mini-Ratna Schedule “B” profit
making Public Sector Undertaking under Ministry of Tourism, Govt.
Sof India in Tourism Sector.
Leading One-Stop Solution Provider in the Travel, and Tourism and
Hospitality sector.
Deals in accommodation, catering, transport and travel, cargo handling,
In its endeavours to conference and convention facilities, duty free shopping, hospitality education
support Mission Vande and training, event management, consultancy and execution of tourism
Bharat, the massive infrastructure projects, mounting of sound and light shows, monument
illumination etc.
repatriation operation by
the Indian government, Various business verticals of the Corporation are Ashok Travels & Tours(ATT),
Hotel Samrat, Ashok Events(AED), Ashok Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Chanakyapuri, operational (AIH&TM), Ashok International Trade (AITD), Ashok Consultancy &
Engineering Services (ACES), Sound & Light Show (SEL), Hotels(HCE).
under ITDC offered
50 rooms at a special Employees Strength
rate for those coming • Permanent (on roll): 770 permanent employees (Executives 174, Non-
from abroad and had to Executives -596) and
undergo a mandatory self- • 1600 contractual including manpower deployed by various contractors, /
quarantine. agencies as on 31.03.2020
Fighting the • Employees contributed their one-day salary
amounting to Rs. 14.05 lakh to PM CARES.
Pandemic Payment to Contractual Workers during
Lockdown Period
ITDC paid wages to its contractual employees during
Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund
lockdown period as per guidelines of the Government.
• Standing in solidarity with the nation and the
Government’s effort to combat the pandemic, Social Support to needy by providing
food & shelter
ITDC contributed Rs.22.50 lakhs towards Prime
Minister Care Fund (PM-CARES) under CSR. ITDC provided 2000 free cooked and packed lunch
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