Page 259 - January 2022 Issue
P. 259
of fighting against the epidemic. In the process, the produce has been designed by the company and
company has come out with portal ventilator and productionized at Bangalore Plant.
host of other products that help to contain spread
of the Corona virus. The profile of the products in The company has delivered samples to more than
brief, is as under: 16,000 organizations / hospitals, across the country,
• Portable Ventilator: Portal Ventilator is as its CSR initiative and is equipped to meet the
manufactured by ITI Limited, in collaboration huge demands.
with the DRDO is a Single Outlet Automatic
Resuscitator system to provide forced breathing • Sanitizing Tunnel: This sanitizing chamber
to the patients or casualties who could not breathe featured with Central control panel for misting
by themselves. This device can run on AC/DC/ automatically sensing entry to the tunnel, with
external battery and the source of breathing air adjustable timer.
is by compressed air or by oxygen. This is the
first of its kind in the country. The device has • Face Mask with detachable filter: This product
been designed by the Defence Bioengineering is developed aiming to protect people from
and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), DRDO, respiratory droplets etc., to combat spread of
developed and manufactured by the company at Corona Virus. The product is featured with Long
its Bangalore Plant under transfer of technology by life usability, easy to change filter, light weight
DRDO. and made of biodegradable material.
• Face Shield: This product protects people from • Face Mask Disposal Machine: This device helps
respiratory droplets, sprays and saliva that may for safe and appropriate disposal of the used
carry the infectious virus. The Salient features face masks and featured with Wall mounting
are that it is comfortable to wear with 100% facility, Brilliant Thermal Protection, Easy to use
visibility, Light weight, eco-friendly Non Toxic, ash trays, Electronic temperature display and
reusable and made of recyclable material. The corrosion free.
232 Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19