Page 262 - January 2022 Issue
P. 262
The Jute Corporation
of India Limited
Cmde Ajay Kumar Jolly (Retd.)
he Jute Corporation of India Limited was founded in the year
1971 with the primary mandate of giving Minimum Support
TPrice (MSP) to the jute growers and to stabilize the raw jute
prices in the market through suitable interventions.
The Corporation also undertakes various jute agronomy development
projects of the ministry like Project I-CARE. Further taking advantage
of the changing markets, JCI has also entered into the business of
Jute Diversified Products (JDPs). The various means adopted so
far for marketing JDPs include retail sales, participation in fairs,
Taking the COVID-19 Corporate Sales, franchise model sales and shortly an e-commerce
situation as an platform is going to be launched. Taking lockdown phase as an
opportunity all employees had diverse online trainings. The entire
opportunity all
digital marketing effort for bringing in franchises happened through
employees were facebook marketing. With the renewed stress in Green movement, the
encouraged to do Corporation would continue its crusade against plastics and keep on
various online giving a green alternative of jute packaging.
trainings which Employees Strength
significantly • Permanent (on roll): 161
enhanced the skills. • Contractual: 28+134 (outsourced)
Fighting the Payment to Contractual Workers during
Lockdown Period
Pandemic Continuing payments are being made to contractual,
casuals and contingents.
Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund Innovation, R&D and Technological
Rs.4.50 Lakh (one day salary) donated.
Further Rs. 18.68 Lakh donated through CSR funds. The Bales Press Machines (BPM) have been playing an
The Jute Corporation of India Limited 235