Page 266 - January 2022 Issue
P. 266

hours is adopted instead of 3 shifts operation of   labourers in a timely manner for hassle-free
                each 8 hours to avoid frequency of travel.          transportation.
            •  Continuous education about virus and necessary   Awareness Campaigns
                supports were given to employees and contract
                labourers to erase fear in their minds.         MFL issued bulletins and circulars on regular basis
            •  Social  distancing markers  drawn  and  assured   about standard protocols as stipulated by ICMR /
                social distancing.                              State  Government  Health  Care  Department  and
            •  Thermal Scanning done to all employees.          other Government to prevent COVID-19.
            •  Disinfection done frequently and sanitisation of
                work spots were done repeatedly.                Any other significant measures taken by the
            •  Face Mask, Sanitizing done to each employees
                daily basis on arrival.                         Though  MFL  is  located  in  the  city  of  Chennai,
            •  Manual  attendance introduced  in place of       which is a COVID 19 hot spot, MFL continuously
                Biometric attendance.                           produced  fertilizers  and  ensured  smooth  loading
            •  Free  meals  and  transportation  have  been     of produced through  timely action by  ensuring
                extended to contract labourers to ensure smooth   safety  of employees/contract labourers and other
                loading of products.                            associated vendors.
            •  Round  the  clock  follow-up  and  monitoring
                activity of the company carried out by the      MFL  has  implemented  roster  system  to  avoid
                management  Committee  to  address  the  issues   gatherings during breakfast and lunch hours in the
                then  and  there,  through  WhatsApp  Group     incoming and outgoing of employees.
                formed for COVID-19.
            •  Provided  movement  pass  issued  by  Jt.        Meetings have been conducted  through video
                Commissioner of Police to employees / contract   conference to update all the information.

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