Page 271 - January 2022 Issue
P. 271

•  Avoiding  assembling  at  canteens/mess  during   Awareness Campaigns
              lunch break  and encouraging  employees to        •  Precautionary  measure  for  Preventive  COVID
              get  their meals from home and eating  at their      have been notified from time to time. Accordingly,
              own desks.                                           SOP has also been issued.
            •  Arranged  sanitizer  dispensers  at  strategic   •  COVID-19 testing  protocol has been  issued for
              locations in the yard.                               awareness of employees.
            •  Provided  hand  gloves  to  employees  as  per   •  Pamphlets  pasted  in  various  places  to  develop
              demand.                                              awareness.
            •  Provided N95 masks to medical employees.         Any other significant Measures taken by the
            •  Arrangement  being  made  for  reimbursement     Company
              of admission charges even for admission
              in Non-Panel Hospital admission within Mumbai.    •  Facilitated  Executives  to  Work  from  Home
                                                                   through internet.
                                                                •  Arranged transportation for employees residing
                                                                   far off places and encouraged car pools.

                                                                MDL’s Contribution to combat COVID-19

                                                                In the interest of the organisation to bestow
                                                                key  importance  for  health  and  safety  of  MDL
                                                                employees and with a view to contain the spreading
                                                                of  Corona  Virus,  MDL  management  had  issued
                                                                timely  circulars  in  line  with  the  Central/State  /
                                                                local  authorities  guidelines  to  close  down  MDL
                                                                office/workshop  during  COVID-19 pandemic
                                                                and  encouraged  the  employees  to  Work  from
                                                                Home.  MDL  also  appealed  employees  and  their

            244   Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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