Page 270 - January 2022 Issue
P. 270
Indian Navy in Mumbai, accommodating 50
Kashmiri Pilgrims, evacuated from Iran.
• Direct assistance has been provided to needy
people, worth Rs 50 Lakhs (Approx.). This
includes Rs. 30.25 Lakhs for supply of provisions
to 4266 tribal families and slum dwellers in three
districts of Maharashtra for a month, and Rs. 2.02
Lakhs to provide food to 350 migrant labourers
for forty-five days.
• 5000 disposable masks have been supplied to the
Kasturba Hospital in Mumbai, involved in testing
and treating of COVID patients. 3500 cloth masks,
sourced from a tribal women’s self-help group
and 4000 hand sanitizers have been distributed
to needy people in Mazagon. 25000 cloth masks
have been ordered on a women’s self- help group,
for further distribution.
Medical Support to address Health Crisis
transport and CISF employees deployed at gates.
• Tied up with all empanelled hospitals for • Provided face shields to employees.
immediate admission of COVID-19 positive • Employees roster are being maintained
employees complying requisite attendance issued by local
• 24 hours’ online support from Company doctors administration for maintaining social distancing.
have been extended to all employees. Resumed production during lockdown with
• Providing masks and sanitisers (70% alcohol different shift timing of 05 hours working.
content) to all employees attending office. Removed overlapping of shift and introduced
• Arranged COVID-19 test for the employees as one-hour gap between the shifts.
and when required. • Frequent sanitization of offices, open spaces, door
Innovation, R&D and Technological knobs, toilets, etc. with disinfectant spray.
• Leg pedestal dispensers for sanitizer has been
developed in house from scrap material.
• Changed attendance recording from biometric
mode to RFID and System log in at home.
• Conference and other meeting are being arranged
through various internet Conference Applications.
Preventive Measures (for the Organisation
and Employees)
• Provided ‘no contact digital thermometers’ at
gates for checking temperature of employees
attending office.
• Provided PPE equipment to medical, security,
Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited 243