Page 272 - January 2022 Issue
P. 272
dependants to stay at home and maintain social and the distribution team was led by MDL
distancing during the said period executive.
• Ration bags supplied to 3000 families of tribal
During this period of social distancing, MDL urged and migrant workers at the aspirational district of
all to adhere to the following to combat COVID-19: Nandurbar, Maharashtra in response to a request
• Remain at their residences except for emergency from the District Collector.
requirement for sourcing essentials. • 4000 hand sanitizers and 600 ration bags have
• Report to the nearest hospital without delay for been distributed to needy people in Mazagon.
proper treatment in case of flu like symptoms. • Mazagon Dock has also committed CSR support
• Maintain proper hygiene by frequent washing worth Rs. 5 Lakhs to the quarantine centre set up
of hand by use of soap. Also use sanitizers for by Indian Navy in Mumbai, accommodating 50
protection. Kashmiri Pilgrims, evacuated from Iran.
Social Support to the society & others
Further, CSR support to the needy to tide over the
• 5000 number of masks were distributed to COVID crisis, are under consideration.
villagers around MDL-Nhava Yard, Maharashtra
• 3500 cloth masks, costing Rs 65000 sourced from
Urja, a tribal women’s self-help group in Kharade
village were distributed to people in the market
area nearby MDL.
• Ration to 415 migrant tribal families of Katakari
village and other communities in tribal belt of
Shahapur, Maharashtra are being provided.
• Ration is distributed to 200 tribal families in
Panvel, Raigad district, Maharashtra costing
Rs.2 lakhs. Execution done by SEAL Ashram
Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited 245