Page 269 - January 2022 Issue
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advanced destroyers to missile boats and submarines. hundred forty-three vessels to various foreign
MDL has also delivered cargo ships, passenger ships, clients since 1960.
supply vessels, multipurpose support vessels, water
tankers, tugs, dredgers, fishing trawlers, barges and MDL have also fabricated and delivered jackets,
border outposts for various customers in India as main decks of wellhead platforms, process platforms,
well as abroad. jack-up rigs etc.
Employees Strength
MDL have delivered, till date 25 frontline warships
and 4 submarines to the Indian Navy. 11562
• Permanent (on roll): 6515
On the export front, MDL have exported two • Contractual: 5047
the Pandemic
Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund
302 Lakh
• Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited has so far
expended Rs 249.47 Lakhs under its Corporate
Social Responsibility for COVID Care. Out of this,
Rs 200 Lakhs have been remitted to PM CARES
• MDL also contributed employees one-day salary
amounting to Rs 102 Lakh to PM CARES Fund.
• MDL made a monetary contribution of Rs. 100
Lakh and Rs 20 Lakh to Maharashtra Chief
Minister’s and Goa Chief Minister’s relief fund
Payment to Contractual Workers during
Lockdown Period
Payment to Contractual workman have been made
during lockdown period.
Social Support to needy by providing food and
• Rs. 1 Crore have been remitted to Maharashtra
CM Relief Fund and Rs 20 Lakhs to Goa CM Relief
Fund and further support to the needy to tide
over the COVID crisis, are under consideration.
• Rs. 5 Lakhs to the quarantine centre set up by
242 Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19