Page 268 - January 2022 Issue
P. 268
Mazagon Dock
Shipbuilders Limited
Vice Admiral Narayan
Prasad (IN Retd.)
DL an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, is one of the leading
shipbuilding yard in India. Prior to incorporation in 1934, a
Msmall dry dock was constructed in Mazagaon village, Mumbai,
to service the ships of the British East India Company in 1774 which was
subsequently developed into a ship repair yard and later a ship building
yard over the course of two centuries. MDL was incorporated as a private
limited company in 1934 and in the year 1960, the GoI took over the
Company to expand its warship development programme designating it
as a DPSU under the MoD.
MDL is a defence Public Sector Undertaking shipyard under the Department
of Defence Production, MoD with a maximum shipbuilding and submarine
capacity of 40,000 DWT, engaged in the construction and repair of warships
and submarines for the MoD for use by the Indian Navy and other vessels for
commercial clients. MDL is a wholly-owned GoI company, conferred with
Direct assistance has the ‘Miniratna-I’ status in 2006, by the Department of Public Enterprises.
been provided to needy MDL is India’s only shipyard to have built destroyers and conventional
submarines for the Indian Navy. MDL is also one of the initial shipyards to
people, worth Rs 50
manufacture Corvettes.
Lakhs (Approx.). This
includes Rs. 30.25 Lakhs The business divisions in which MDL operate are (i) shipbuilding and
for supply of provisions (ii) submarine and heavy engineering. Shipbuilding division includes the
to 4266 tribal families building and repair of naval ships.
and slum dwellers
in three districts of MDL is currently building four P-15 B destroyers and four P-17A stealth
frigates for the MoD for use by the Indian Navy. Our submarine and heavy
Maharashtra for a
engineering division includes building, repair and refits of diesel electric
month, and Rs. 2.02
submarines. MDL is also currently building four Scorpene class submarines
Lakhs to provide food (two have been delivered) for the MoD for use by the Indian Navy.
to 350 migrant labourers
for forty five days. Since 1960, MDL have built a total of 795 vessels including warships, from
Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited 241