Page 265 - January 2022 Issue
P. 265

MFL commenced commercial  production in             capacity to 3,46,500 MT of Ammonia, 4,86,750
            1971, with  an annual installed  capacity of        MT of Urea and 8,40,000 MT of NPK.
            2,47,500 MT of Ammonia, 2,92,050 MT of Urea
            and 5,40,000 MT  of  NPK.  A  major  revamp  /      Employees Strength
            expansion was carried out in 1998 at a cost         •  Permanent (on roll) :  562
            of  ₹ 601 Cr,  enhancing the annual installed       •  Contractual :  1700-2000

            Fighting the                                            product movement to the dealer point for sales

                                                                    to  meet  the  fertilizer  requirements  of  farming
            Pandemic                                            •  Received  required  guidelines  /  inputs  /

                                                                    instructions  from  DOF  in  timely  manner  and
            Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund
                                                                    also received a great support from Tamil Nadu
            •  MFL employees have contributed their one day         Government  to  ensure  continuous  product
               salary to PM CARES - Rs.13  lakhs.                   transportation and sales.
            •  Contribution  by  MFL  to  PM  CARES  -  Rs.  2.5   •  Followed protocols issued by Ministry of Home
               lakhs.                                               Affairs, Tamil Nadu State Government to ensure
            •  Contribution  by  MFL  to  CM  CARES  -  Rs.  2.0    safety and personal hygiene.
               lakhs.                                           Payment to Contractual Workers during

            Action taken to overcome the crisis                 Lockdown period

            •  Achieved 100 % operating factor in March 2020.   Payment to all contractual workers during lockdown
            •  Achieved 100 % operating factor in April 2020.   period were made as per the extant guidelines. In
            •  Made profit during III & IV quarter of 2019-20.  addition, free meals have been provided to them
            •  Had problems initially regarding employee        and  exclusive  transport  arrangements  have  been
               movement for attending duty which was sorted     made for pick up and drop at free of cost.
               out by issuing Essential Movement Pass issued
               by Jt. Commissioner of Police in a timely manner.     Social Support to needy by providing
                                                                food & shelter
               MFL  had  also  faced  contract  labour  problems
               at the unloading point which got sorted out      Food  packets  and  grocery  items  worth  Rs.2  lakhs
               with the help of State Government Agricultural   were distributed to the poor and needy people
               Officers and issued enough face mask, sanitizer   through NGOs.
               etc. to facilitate unloading and movement of
               products to the dealer points.                   Medical Support to address health crisis
            •  Faced Chemical supply issue which got corrected   MFL provided Kabasura Kudineer  and Zincovit tab-
               by making advance payment immediately.           lets and Arsenicum ALB 30 (Homeopathy medicine)
            •  Experienced  issue  on  supply  of  product  bags   to all employees / contract labourers / Security Staff
               due to labour shortage in the vendors factory.   and  Drivers  to increase the immune level.
               Coordinated with local Government authorities
               to solve this issue and bags supply was resumed.  Preventive Measures (for the Organisation
                                                                and Employees)
            •  No  Shutdown  of  the  Units  during  Lockdown
               period  and  ensured  continuous  essential      •  For shift employees, 2 shift operations of each 12

            238   Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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