Page 263 - January 2022 Issue
P. 263

important role in the MSP operations for compressing    COVID-19 was also developed and are being
            and packing of raw jute in bale form as it’s a          strictly followed. Thermal scanning introduced
            laborious activity. The existing BPMs of JCI are old    in HO and sanitizers are used. Social distancing
            and cumbersome and worn out and involved large          maintained in all other offices.
            number of labors. Due to the old operating techniques,   Awareness Campaigns
            its packing efficiency is very poor as these machines
            in use were constructed with century old design, and   •  Safety protocols being printed and displayed in
            there is no standard manufacturer available to supply   prominent position of all Departmental Purchase
            the same and to repair when required.                   Centres (DPCs).
                                                                •  Also,  awareness  was  spread  through  Video
            To  overcome  these  problems,  Corporation  had        Conference to take precautions and avoid panic.
            approached CSIR – Central Mechanical Engineering    Any Other Significant Measures taken by the
            Institute, Durgapur, WB, to develop a suitable model   Company
            of the bales press machine which will be using less
            manpower, much easy to operate, less maintenance    •  Taking the COVID-19 situation as an opportunity
            cost and high rate of production. The same is in the    all employees were encouraged to do various
            design finalization stage at CMERI.                     online  trainings  which  significantly  enhanced
                                                                    the skills, competencies and positive attitude of
            Preventive Measures (for the Organization               the employees.
            and Employees)
                                                                •  While  Working  from  Home  the  much-needed
            •  At  first  JCI  developed  and  implemented  a       operations manual was drafted and the syllabus
               COVID-19 protocol for distribution of certified      for  the  apprentices  in  trade  of  Jute Inspectors
               seeds, and the entire supply was done following      drafted and finalized. The Finance manual and
               it during the first five weeks of the lockdown,      the IT Policy is in the pipeline.
               the entire seed distribution window.             •  There was no disruption, business continuity
            •  All  safety protocols  were followed  as  per        executed  seamlessly  through  relentless  virtual
               MHA guidelines and those with co-morbidities         meets, even Board Meetings.
               allowed to Work from Home.                       •  No contingents and casual employees have been
            •  Employees  were  called  to  office  only  when      laid off during COVID-19.
               required and according to roster in sanitized cars.  •  There  has  been  a  zero  incidence  of  COVID-19
            •  Further  an  SOP  for  DPC  operations  post         cases in JCI.

            236   Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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