Page 247 - January 2022 Issue
P. 247
Fighting the
Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund
IREDA has come forward and contributed Rs. 15
Crore to ‘Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and
Relief in Emergency Situations Fund’ (PM CARES
Fund)’ for the fight against the coronavirus pandemic
from its CSR fund. The amount contributed by
IREDA was part of Rs. 925 Crore, which is committed
collectively by all PSUs under Ministry of Power and
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy. In order to
strengthen the India’s fight against Corona, IREDA
employees have also voluntarily contributed one to
ten day’s salary, amounting to Rs. 6.52 lakh towards
the ‘PM-CARES Fund’. With this IREDA’s total
contribution becomes Rs.15.06 Crore.
Payment to Contractual Workers during
Lockdown Period
In pursuance of Department of Expenditure, Ministry
of Finance OM dated 23rd March 2020 and OM dated
20th May 2020, contractual and outsourced staff
who were required to stay at home in view of the
lockdown regarding COVID-19 prevention, were
treated as “on duty” during such period of absence
and full salary has been paid accordingly.
Medical support to address health crisis
IREDA has extended financial assistance of Rs.
57.80 Lakhs and provided 4500 PPE Kits and 40,000
three layer face mask for Medical Staff / frontline
coronavirus warriors in Balrampur and Chandauli
Aspirational Districts, Uttar Pradesh.
Preventive Measures (for the Organisation
and Employees)
As a preventive measure to contain the spread of
the coronavirus, all the IREDA employees exempted
from marking their attendance through biometric
machines. Daily temperature of employees is being
checked with an infrared thermometer. IREDANs
220 Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19