Page 279 - January 2022 Issue
P. 279

Social Support to needy by providing food and           source  of critical raw material which was
            shelter                                                 otherwise  getting  imported  from  M/s  Polyfil,

            •  1500 food kits/ groceries items worth of Rs 11.25    Switzerland.
                Lakh has been provided  for casual  / migrant
                workers.                                         Preventive Measures

            Medical support to address health crisis             •  Liquid soap / hand sanitizers have been made
                                                                    available inside the workplace at every location.
            •  Appropriate     PPEs    (Personal   Protective    •  Markings has been made at all crowd gathering
                Equipment) like  face covers, masks, goggles,       places  like near main gate, canteen etc. to
                gloves, coats / aprons, shoes and also appropriate   facilitate social distancing.
                disinfecting  gadgets like sprayers,  brushes,   •  Installed Disinfection Chambers.
                cleaning  agents,  soap  solutions,  sanitizers  etc.   •  Avoided  entry  of  suppliers  like  Amazon,
                has been arranged in sufficient quantities.         Flipkart, Big Basket, etc.
            Innovation, R&D and Technological                    Awareness Campaigns
                                                                 •  MIDHANI has taken initiative to create
            •  MIDHANI has developed and supplied fine wire         awareness about  the  ongoing pandemic
                (0.16  mm)  of  Special  Nickel  grade  with  purity   COVID-19  for  all  the  employees  through
                better that 99.6% which was critically required     Standard  Guidelines,  Banners  and  Pamphlets
                for the manufacture of Oxygen sensor pertaining     about the do’s and don’ts during this crisis.
                to the “Critical Core Ventilator” being produced   •  Released  Standard  Guidelines  and  action  plan
                by M/s. BEL for COVID-19 patients.                  for resuming operation for post COVID-19.
            •  The  material was  developed  and  supplied  by   Any other significant measures
                MIDHANI  for  the  first  time  within  96  hours
                during  the  lockdown  period.  MIDHANI’s        In-house  manufacturing/fabrication  of  Disinfected
                supply has helped establish an indigenous        chambers.

            252   Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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