Page 284 - January 2022 Issue
P. 284

MOIL Limited

                                                                                               M. P. Chaudhari
                                                                                                 CMD, MOIL

                                                   OIL Limited is a Schedule “A” Miniratna Category-I Company. It
                                                   was originally incorporated as Manganese Ore (India) Limited in
                                        Mthe year 1962. Subsequently, name of the Company was changed
                                         from Manganese Ore (India) Limited to MOIL Limited during the financial
                                         year 2010-11.

                                         MOIL was originally set up in the year 1896 as Central Province Prospecting
                                         Syndicate  which  was  later  renamed  as  Central  Provinces  Manganese  Ore
                                         Company Limited (CPMO), a British Company incorporated in the UK. In 1962,
                                         as a result of an agreement between the Government of India and CPMO, the
            To meet the urgent           assets of the latter were taken over by the Government and MOIL was formed
            requirement of               with 51% capital held between the Govt. of India and the State Governments

            masks, which was             of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh and the balance 49% by CPMO. It was
            not readily available        in 1977, the balance 49% shareholding was acquired from CPMO and MOIL
            in local markets,            became a 100% Government Company under the administrative control of the
                                         Ministry of Steel.
            immediate help of
            Self Help Groups in          Employees Strength
            villages near MOIL           •  Permanent (on roll): 5968
            mines was organized.         •  Contractual: 1000

            Fighting the                                        Social Support to needy by providing food
                                                                & shelter
            Pandemic                                            Providing  food  through  eight  different  agencies

            Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund              (Anndaan-Ek Mahadaan).
            Rs. 48 Crores                                       Preventive Measures (for the Organization
            Payment to Contractual Workers during Lockdown      and Employees)
            Period                                              •  Employees are being given Work from Home (in

            Yes payment done.                                       rosters) and have been asked to attend office as

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