Page 285 - January 2022 Issue
P. 285
and when required by their superiors. recyclable masks also circulated widely.
• Smart Office Management: MOIL believes in • Continuous awareness campaigns are being
SMART office and this has been a boon during organized about precautions to be taken
the COVID Crisis. MOIL had invested in digital during COVID-19 amongst employees and
infrastructure and that’s the reason employees mines residential colonies through posters,
work from home easily due to availability loudspeakers, etc.
of laptops, e-note sheet system, online • A song has also been made with in-house talent
procurements and payment systems, SAP, which is being used by the loudspeakers to have
e-banking etc. All precautions like availability greater appeal of the message being sent.
of liquid soap, sanitizers and masks have been • Social media platforms being widely used to
ensured at workplace. spread message regarding precautions to be
• Continuous sanitization of all offices, mine taken for COVID-19 mitigation.
colonies and vehicles are being done. • Promotion of Aarogya Setu App through social
• Employees are not allowed to enter office/mine media and whatsapp groups done widely.
premises without thermal scanning. • Various celebrities joined hands with MOIL
• A control room has been established at Head for spreading the awareness about various
Office and all the mines and offices have been measures to be taken during COVID-19. They
informed to contact control room in case of any also appreciated and thanked MOIL for its
emergency. The control room number has been continuous efforts in helping the needy.
informed to all mines and offices. Any Other Significant Measures taken by the
• Company doctors are equipped with full PPE Company
suits to handle emergency cases and further
report to the external experts. To meet the urgent requirement of masks, which was
• Reusable masks were distributed amongst not readily available in local markets, immediate
employees and nearby residents in large help of Self Help Groups in villages near MOIL
numbers (more than 36,000 masks distributed mines organized. They developed the capability of
till 9th June, 2020). Message regarding how to making more than 1000 masks every day. This also
sterilize recyclable masks also circulated widely. generated additional income for the rural women.
• Employees with physical disabilities, pregnant
women are not being called in office during this Annadan:
pandemic as a safety measure. • MOIL has tied up with various social
• Standard Operating Procedure for work organizations such as Annamitra Foundation,
resumption during and after lockdown is shared Indian Red Cross Society, Sankalp Foundation,
amongst all employees. UPAY etc. to benefit a large number of needy
Awareness Campaigns population in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh
regions to provide food packets and food kits.
• Posters regarding do’s and don’ts on COVID-19 Around Rs.54 lakhs have been spent on this
circulated widely in MOIL workplaces and also account by MOIL from the lockdown period.
• More than 36,000 reusable masks were Besides, individual level initiatives by employees
distributed amongst employees and nearby have also been taken by MOIL employees extensively
residents. Message regarding how to sterilize towards Annadan.
258 Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19