Page 14 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 14
117 Feathered Star in Orange 142
118 Feathered Star in Red, White and Blue 143
119 Stars 144
120 Mariner’s Compass 145
121 Mariner’s Compass 146
122 Mariner’s Compass 147
123 Amish Trip Around the World 149
124 Amish Sunshine and Shadows 150
125 Amish Sunshine and Shadows 151
126 Trip Around the World Postage Stamp 152
127 Amish Trip Around the World with Center Medallion 153
128 Trip Around the World in Circus Colors 154
129 Amish Trip Around the World 155
130 Amish, Sunshine and Shadows, Stoltzfus Family 156
131 Southwest Indian Style 157
132 African-American Trip Around the World 158
133 Diamond of Hexagons 159
134 Seven Sisters 161
135 Seven Sisters 162
136 Seven Sisters 163
137 Hexagonal Mosaic 165
138 Grandmother’s Flower Garden, Martha Washington Variation 166
139 Hexagons, Grandmother’s Flower Garden Mosaic 167
140 Hexagons 168
141 Grandmother’s Garden (Hexagons) in Orange Satin 169
142 Hexagons, Mosaic Basket 170
143 Hexagons Pieced on Stiff Paper 171
144 Hexagon Mosaic Tumbling Blocks 172
145 Bullseye 173
146 Grandmother’s Flower Garden in Mourning Colors 174
147 Grandmother’s Flower Garden Brown on Black with Red Centers 175
148 Grandmother’s Flower Garden Bright Supergraphic 176
149 Grandmother’s Flower Garden 177
150 Log Cabin as Spider Web (Hexagons) 178
151 Bullseyes (Octagonal) 179
152 Log Cabin Cobwebs, in hexagonals or bullseyes 180
153 Stars and Hexagons 181
154 Hummingbird or String Star 183
155 Star, 4-Pointed, or String Star, or Hummingbird 184
156 Crazy Octagons with Pink Piped Stars 185
157 Job’s Tears, Hummingbird or Snowball 186