Page 19 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 19
322 Side 1: African-American Housetop 366
323 Side 2: African American Housetop 367
324 African-American Housetop 368
325 African-American Pigpen Summer Quilt 369
326 Plain 370
327 Plain in Amish style 371
328 Medallion Crib Quilt 372
329 Op Art Concentric Squares Red and White 373
330 Temperance T, Double T 375
331 Spools 376
332 1950s Spools 377
333 Spools 378
334 Monkey Wrench Hole in the Barn Door 379
335 African-American Monkey Wrench or Churn Dash 380
336 Snail Trail or Indiana Puzzle or Monkey Tail 381
337 African-American "Akimbo" 382
338 Arabic Lattice 383
339 Crossroads 384
340 Crosses with Striped Diamond Corners 385
341 Chimney Sweep 386
342 Bear Paw 387
343 Amish Black and White Sun Rising 388
344 Delectable Mountains 389
345 Delectable Mountain 390
346 Delectable Mountains with Tree Everlasting Edge 391
347 Rising Sun 393
348 Suns 394
349 Necktie 395
350 Rising sun 396
351 Gone Fishin’ 397
352 Sunburst 398
353 Sunbursts 399
354 Tree of Life in Red Frames 401
355 Tree of Life in Orange on Calico 402
356 Tree of Life in Red and Gray 403
357 Tree of Life, Multicolored 404
358 Tree of Life in Red on White 405
359 One Thousand Pyramids 407
360 Triangles 408
361 One Thousand Pyramids 409
362 One Thousand Pyramids Almost a Charm Quilt 410