Page 7 - Muskoka Lakes Museum, Proposal from TCI
P. 7

   Task 2. Review of Relevant Background Materials
 - Here we will review all relevant background materials and data available
- This will include, for example:
- most recent strategic plan
- minutes of Board meetings
- budgets and user statistics
- any relevant policies and documentation from the
municipality (e.g. Township strategic plan, economic development strategy, asset management plan, etc.)
   Task 3. Sites and Facilities Assessment
  - This task will be devoted to an on-site review and inspection of the facility
- If this is not possible due to the province’s COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, we will arrange for a video tour to be undertaken and recorded by the museum personnel
- We will also in this task review any site drawing and building plans available
   Task 4. Key Informant and Stakeholder Interviews
- Here we propose to interview 15 – 20 individuals by Zoom (or equivalent) or by telephone
- (if possible, these could be in-person interviews; this is to be determined)
- We will develop an interview guide and share with participants in advance of the session; this will ensure that information is collected on a consistent and comprehensive basis
- Interviewees would include Town elected officials, staff and volunteers, Board members, others in the community who represent key partners or interest groups, etc.
     Task 5. Board Session
  - We propose to undertake a Zoom-based (or equivalent) online focus group with the Board, to identify issues and opportunities from their perspective
- We would look to the Museum to invite and set up this session; our role would be to moderate and facilitate
   Task 6. General Public Survey - optional
- As an optional task (to be discussed) we will undertake an on-line survey (using Survey Monkey) of museum members and/or the general community in order to solicit their opinions on what should be considered in Transformation Plan
- We will discuss with the Steering Committee the advisability of including some sort of incentive for participation (for example, a contest to win an iPad, which we have found in previous community surveys to not only encourage a greater response overall, but also effective in soliciting input from a younger demographic who often are not reached by a survey of this type)
- We would hope the Town would promote the survey using traditional and social media
     Task 7. Best Practice Other Community Museums
  - We will examine ‘transformation’ strategies in other similar museums elsewhere
- We will identify up to 10 other museums where there are new directions being pursued regarding community engagement (for example, the Ottawa Museum Network’s ‘museum relevance’ series)
- We appreciate that the Museum will likely also have some ideas in this regard and would look to your input to identify appropriate candidate communities
     7 TCI Management Consultants

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