Page 28 - TCI Recent Relevant Experience, 2021
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Summerside, PEI, Cultural Plan (2012)
This project involved the development of Summerside’s first- ever cultural strategy. The project involved a survey of residents and the business community, as well as interviews, focus groups and public meetings. Benchmarking with other communities that were successful in the development and execution of their own cultural strategies was also undertaken. The final plan developed was adopted in principle by Council in the spring of 2012 and is currently in the process of being implemented.
Recent Relevant Experience
Windsor Cultural Strategy (2011)
TCI developed a cultural strategy for the City of Windsor, based upon a widespread community consultation program. In addition to this, a key input to the plan developed was a cultural mapping component that located the City’s key arts, cultural and heritage assets. Another key input to the strategy developed was a detailed benchmarking and best practice identification of other municipalities that had undertaken the development of a cultural plan. The strategy developed was adopted by the City in the fall of 2011.
Cambridge Cultural Strategy (2010)
TCI created a cultural strategy for the City of Cambridge in 2010. This was developed based on an intensive public consultation process involving surveys, focus groups and interviews with the cultural representatives of the community. The final plan developed was adopted by Council in the fall of 2010 and has been used to influence culture investment in the City since that time.
Region of Waterloo Cultural Mapping Study (2011)
In association with Spectrum Associates, TCI developed an approach to cultural mapping for the region of Waterloo. This approach was used in the development of a cultural information and mapping data base, that was then used to develop a portal for arts culture and heritage information throughout the Region. This database was then used to influence arts culture and heritage development activities throughout the Region of Waterloo.
© TCI Management Consultants, 2020