Page 29 - TCI Recent Relevant Experience, 2021
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Ontario Museum Association Strategic Plan (2010)
TCI developed a strategic plan for the Ontario Museum Association that was based upon a review of museum trends across North America as well as a survey of member museums. Several workshop sessions were held with the Board and the final plan developed was adopted by the Association in the Fall of 2010. See Reinforcing Relevance:
Architectural Conservancy of Ontario Strategic Plan (2012)
TCI developed a strategic plan for the ACO. This was based on an extensive member survey as well as a survey of branches across the province. Several workshops sessions were held with the strategic planning committee of the board to develop and refine the plan, which was adopted in the spring of 2012.
Lethbridge Downtown (Heart of Our City) Marketing Plan (2012)
TCI worked with the St. Clements Group, communications consultants, in the development of a marketing plan for Lethbridge’s downtown (Heart of Our City) area that had been the subject of a previous Master Planning exercise. The plan recommended an events-based strategy, including a First Friday event to stimulate interest and participation in the downtown area.
Lunenburg Heritage Sustainability Strategy (2010)
TCI led a consortium of consultants in the development of a Heritage Sustainability Strategy for Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, a UNESCO-designated World Heritage Site. The strategy explored ways and means of preserving Lunenburg’s unique history and heritage, while at the same time ensuring that the town remained a viable commercial area, and was able to function as a sustainable tourist attraction. The project also resulted in the updating of the Town’s Heritage By- Law, which governed the types of development and property improvements that were sanctioned in the heritage area.
Recent Relevant Experience
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