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    Fort Erie Waterfront Development Plan (2016)
With The Planning Partnership, TCI helped prepare a waterfront development strategy for the Town of Fort Erie. Major tenets of this plan were to increase public access to the waterfront, to encourage appropriate development on Town- owned waterfront sites, and to work effectively with the Niagara Parks Commission, which controlled water access on the eastern boundary of the Town (where it met the Niagara River). The Plan was adopted by the Town in 2016.
Recent Relevant Experience
   Trent Severn Waterway Economic and Social Impact Study (2007)
This project examined the economic and social impacts of the Trent- Severn Waterway upon those municipalities that abutted the waterway. This was a key background study that was part of the ‘Future of the Trent-Severn Waterway’ Commission. The analysis looked at the impacts from tourism (i.e. expenditures of pleasure boat users of the waterway), as well as any catalytic effect of the canal upon business development (e.g. water-oriented businesses such as restaurants, marine services, etc.).
  Timmins Branding Strategy (2012)
  TCI was part of a team led by the St. Clements Group involved with the development of a new brand identity for the City of Timmins. The purpose of the work was to develop a deep understanding of the fundamental story of Timmins as a community, and then to create messages for various audiences – visitors, investors, new residents, existing residents – that expressed that understanding in positive ways that were meaningful to each of those target audiences. The brand was then expressed in terms of logo, a slogan, and visual identifiers. The project was highly consultative, involving workshop sessions, an intensive social media campaign, a community survey, etc.
Halton Region Museum – Long Range Strategic Planning Project (2012)
For the Halton Region Museum we undertook a short-term planning study for the museum that examined operations over the next five years. We also examined a longer-term strategy over the next 30 year period, the contemplative a new location and home for the museum operation. This study was undertaken with Reich + Petch international, architects.
   © TCI Management Consultants, 2020

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