Page 15 - THree River Arts & Cuture Startegy Proposal from TCI
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He was a founding member of the Blyth Summer Festival in southwestern Ontario. Steven has written and lectured extensively on various aspects of cultural development.
Jon Linton, BA (Hon.), CMC: Jon is a Director of TCI Management Consultants and a Certified Management Consultant (CMC). He has more than 40 years’ experience working with municipalities and regions as well as myriad cultural institutions and attractions: museums and historic sites, performing arts facilities, festivals and events, libraries and archives, science centres, etc. He specializes in strategic planning in the cultural sector and is an experienced project manager, having directed hundreds of
projects in his career.
He has directed or been involved in arts and culture strategies or plans for municipalities including Summerside, Huntsville, Chatham, Windsor, Waterloo and Cambridge - with Steven Thorne and Greg Young - as well as Napanee, West Vancouver, Collingwood, Grimsby, Lunenberg, Sydney, and many others. His work includes not only the development of cultural strategies or plans in these communities, but all the related analyses that are ether inputs to, or outputs from, a cultural strategy or plan: program evaluation, environmental scans, market assessment, feasibility studies and business plans, organizational and governance reviews, etc.
Jon is a former Partner at Ernst and Young, where he headed up that firm‘s cultural and tourism planning group in Canada prior to helping form TCI in the mid-90s. He is also the book reviewer for Municipal World magazine, and an Adjunct Professor at George Brown College, teaching business research methods in the School of Management. Jon will act as the overall Project Manager for the Strategy.
Greg Young, M.Sc., RPP, CMC: Greg is also a Director of TCI with 40 years of experience in working with cultural organizations. A CMC as well as a registered professional planner (RPP), he is particularly experienced in financial analysis, evaluation and sustainability issues in the cultural sector. He will bring this valuable perspective to bear upon the Three Rivers project.
Greg and Jon have worked together at TCI for 25 years on myriad cultural planning projects, including cultural master plans and strategies for the City of Cambridge, Waterloo Region, Huntsville, Summerside, Napanee, Windsor and Wilmot Township. Greg also has extensive consulting experience with numerous galleries, museums, and heritage organizations across Canada and the U.S. His expertise covers a range of fields including needs assessment, market research, audience development, feasibility, strategic planning, organizational development, fundraising, business planning, and social and economic impact assessment. His clients have ranged from major cultural institutions- for example, the Art Gallery of Ontario, ROM, Royal Alberta Museum, Coleman Galleries, RCMP Museum, Remai Gallery,
TCI Management Consultants

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