Page 6 - THree River Arts & Cuture Startegy Proposal from TCI
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Plan and Budget, an Implementation Plan, and, of course, the final Arts and Culture Strategy. Extensive stakeholder consultations are built into the work plan, along with all necessary preliminary research to ensure an optimal outcome. This preliminary research includes a review of existing Town plans, plus documentation to be gathered from cultural stakeholders. It also includes benchmarking of other communities with similar challenges and opportunities to those of Three Rivers.
We will not reiterate each of the specific directives that are outlined in your Request for Proposals. Each of these specific directives is addressed in the main body of this proposal. However, we would offer the following:
At TCI Management Consultants, we attempt to go beyond the delivery of an arts and culture Strategy that merely “satisfies” our client. We attempt - in our various stakeholder consultations and in the drafting of the Strategy - to build enthusiasm for the opportunities that wait to be realized. Our philosophy is that the process is as important as the product – by building trust, relationships, enthusiasm and momentum.
Simply put, we structure our engagement with our clients as a “Call to Action”. We seek to inspire. Ultimately, it is this Call to Action and its attendant inspiration that propels the Strategy forward after our formal work is completed. In addition, we also provided our clients with responses to follow-up questions concerning Strategy implementation that may arise after our departure - at no expense to you, our client. We are not satisfied unless you are satisfied!
Finally, we recognize the potential for COVID to interfere with the work plan laid out in this proposal. We are prepared, if necessary, to undertake a fully virtual planning process. We suggest we proceed on the assumption this will not be necessary, but we are fully prepared for this eventuality - along with any modifications to our proposed budget should the project become virtual.
5 TCI Management Consultants